Tuesday, July 25, 2017

The Impossible Lives of Greta Wells

The Impossible Lives of Greta Wells (2013) by Andrew Sean Greer was a lovely, quick read about how our choices can change us.

It's hard to describe what this book is about without giving away potentially too much of the story; I think it would be better to go into this book knowing as little as possible about the plot, discovering it along with the main character. Very simply, the story is a great peek into several different time periods, specifically a woman's role / experience in each period (albeit only ONE woman's role in each time period).

I liked how the personalities and relationships wove back and forth between the various times, and the way that those relationships between the main character and her family demonstrated how actions can affect ourselves and others. And how a fresh pair of eyes can see things that have always been right in front of our face.

I really loved the ending; it was very satisfying without being trite, which is just right. Definitely give this one a try!

"It felt so funny to be prim and proper. It felt outlandish. And to have policemen nod their heads, and men open doors, and children be pulled aside so I could pass, all for a rich doctor's wife and her wide skirts -- imagine! A crook of my finger and waiters would bring wine! A hand to my forehead and a seat would open on the subway! Ridiculous. Greta Wells, who had marched for ERA. Who had gone braless in Washington Square Park. I had become the kind of woman I used to hate. How I loved it."

Keep reading! Beth

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