Friday, November 24, 2017

The Sweet Life in Paris by David Lebovitz

The Sweet Life in Paris: Delicious Adventures in the World's Most Glorious - and Perplexing - City (2009) by David Lebovitz is an account of a chef moving from California to Paris to start a new life.

Sometimes funny, sometimes exasperating, always interesting, Lebovitz's experiences as an outsider getting to know and trying to adapt to a new culture is an engaging tale. Having been to Paris a couple of times myself (albeit years ago, and only briefly each time), I related to a lot of the details of his experiences, though of course trying to adapt as a new resident is very different from being a tourist. The sense that you don't belong must linger for awhile and really color your view of the new people and places with which you are surrounded. Overall, I enjoyed that Lebovitz's tone demonstrated clear affection for his adopted hometown.

As a bonus, there are a ton of delicious-sounding recipes that will absolutely make you hungry as you read the book -- make sure to have a snack handy!

“Parisians are always in a big hurry, but are especially frantic if they’re behind you. They’re desperate to be where they rightfully feel they belong: in front of you. It’s a whole other story when you’re behind them, especially when it’s their turn: suddenly they seem to have all the time in the world.”

Keep reading! Beth

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